Friday, July 26, 2019

Research report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Research report - Assignment Example Participants strategically disclose private information so as to create connections with others that further have impacts on their relationships. The individuals who are highly connected through social media view this as normal parts of the day to day life. The study explains the concept of cyber stalking in greater theoretical depth and uses qualitative data to examine the practice and effects of individuals surveying each other using social media sites. The study also monitors the theory of social media in promoting and facilitating stalking in the modern society. On the last section of the study, I focus on examples of discourse to show how cyber stalking is carried out in the day to day life. What motivates people to engage in it and the impacts on participants? The qualitative data of this research study draws from the use of social media and modern technologies like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The quotes in this paper are representatives of the attitudes and the practices among the participants in technologically mediated social lives and using social media to monitor others. During the study, three hundred undergraduate students were interviewed during a preliminary examination of causes of broken relationships. Ninety percent of the responses were emotions, unwanted courting that lead to termination of relationships thus extending to cyber stalking. Most of them upload photos and videos of other people making cyber stalking occur in both non-consensual and sexual fashions, and this leads to invasion of the individual’s privacy. They encroach on the private, virtual space or other peoples timeline on social media leading to sexual harassment. It is an unwelcome form of Cyberstalking as it resembles sexual harassment undertaken in a clandestine way (Easttom, & Taylor, 2011). It is clear that social crime is reciprocal. People post content with high expectations that others will view it. Some go to an extent of

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